Thursday, 7 April 2016

Introduction, plans and great internet friends from Narnia or some shit.


Ladies and gents, my name is Banshee Legend. It's not a real name of course, but a name I have grown fond of in my life.

I am starting this blog as a part of my dream. Dream to paint miniatures and get noticed. I know I may not be very good at it, but the only way to get better is to keep on doing it, right? So that's what I do.

Recently I received my first paid commission for miniatures, which made me all kinds of happy. Now that the miniatures are done, I have decided it was time for me to show people my work. And then the idea of a blog came back to my mind. This time I decided to go for it for real. I present to you - The Circle of Paint. The point of this blog is to show my work, thought process and techniques, sometimes finished, sometimes step by step. Also, all the money I receive from commissions will be invested back into the beautiful world of miniatures and dioramas. 

one of the commissions, a miniature form Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2nd ed.
Finished miniature - excuse the sub par quality, posting these from facebook while at work

As for a second thing I am very hyper about - my good internet friend (the best kind I believe?), let's call him Miles, has decided to gift me a few sets of Dropzone Commander 10mm miniatures, namely of the Post-Human Republic (all links open in new windows!) army for my first ever full scale diorama. I have a few plans for it, and as soon as the miniatures come i'll get right into it. 

Not sure if this counts as a full scale diorama, but it was my first. Grey Knight terminator vs. Genestealer

I truly hope this blog will show you guys how fascinating the world of miniatures truly is. Also, any tips/constructive critique will be appreciated! 

Thanks for clicking the blog, yo!

Till next time,
Banshee, the Painter

P.S. Miles, you are amazing. 

If this was any more true, there would be a religion for it.

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