So it was time to paint another person from the Commission 4. And since I found out some backstory about it, I chose to paint the Human I Torched My Extremities, as he is the brother of my first painted mini, the Medieval Thingamajig (fans of the Thingamajig, there's a little surprise for you at the bottom!).
DISCLAIMER: This post is image-heavy.
I started out with him the same way any other mini - choosing colo(u)rs. The reference pictures sent to me were, again, a card face and an already painted miniature in a whopping "xl" size. I'll let you guess the colors of the miniature, besides the fact the dude's head and arms are on fire, which include red, orange and yellow.
NO, he's mostly gray and black.
Card face. BRUTAL-ER! |
Again, original size picture |
Since I like painting with colo(u)rs that range a bit farther than the beloved book of many single moms around the world, I looked at card face picture, squinted and saw purple. You know what I said to myself?
Again, I start out with the base colo(u)rs - the ones that will dominate on the miniature.
Red and purple, yay!
Moving on, I wash the whole robe with a black wash (remember what I wrote in the last post?
DO NOT USE BLACK WASHES. well I didn't listen to myself and had a lot of cleaning up to do afterwards) and add colo(u)r in the chest piece and the scarves (I guess).
Yes, the colo(u)r is different from the stock miniature. |
I mean, look at his head. See the difference? Me neither. |
And then... The flaming extremities! I have to confess, I haven't painted anything even remotely similar to a fire before. So I took a few colo(u)rs that you can see when looking at flames and went for it (I hope some of you are thinking
ooooh, he's a true professional...). So again, step by step:
Red! |
Orange! |
YELLOW! P.S. It's starting to sound like a Power Rangers episode... |
After the colo(u)r yellow and when the flames were looking decent I applied another layer of brown wash, which made the flames look 3d. I also added the wash on the chest piece and the scarves.
I looked at the card face picture again. He had a ton of tiny gold details on his chest piece and on the lower (red) part of his robe. This meant I had to smear my nose print on my lamp's magnifying glass. Maybe one day I'll add a picture of me doing that, but before that time comes, this is the finished gold detailing:
Note the detailing on the bottom (red) part of the robe. DISCLAIMER: these are not my fingers. P.S. someone compliment my lady's miniature holding skills and manicure pls. |
Beautiful, isn't it? This seemed like the finishing touch the Human I Torched My Extremities needed. So I cleaned up the glossy robe a bit and sent my work to the order-placer-man.
He said
cool. Here's the finished (base-less, since I am planning on doing a basing step by step) miniature:
Cue Darth Vader's (™ & © Disney, I guess) NOOOOOOO from episode 3 |
Still looks like a chick to me... -A friend |
This was pretty quick, only took about an hour from start to finish. Now onto the Medieval Thingamajig. I had some tiny shields left over from my earlier miniatures (Games Workshop is good for one thing - they add a lot of option parts that can be re-used for a greater good):
Tiny shields |
I sent the order-placer-man this picture, saying that Mr. Medieval Thingamajig still looked unfinished and if it was
cool to add a shield to his empty hand. Not only did he say
cool, he also sent me a picture of a god damn card in the game, that gives the guy a god damn shield:
Gotta love board games, eh? |
He insisted that I make the eyes of the skull red. Now there's a thing you have to understand... the shield is 4x3 god damn MILLIMETERS in size. IT'S GOD DAMN TINY. The whole miniature measures a tad over 22mm. So I took some super glue (the plastic cement does not work after you have already painted the miniature) and stuck that thing on his extended arm. I must admit it seems more like a buckler than a shield, but it
does give Medieval Thingamajig the completion he deserves. The question still stands though - can I make the eyes of the skull red?
What do you think?
Fuck YES, I can. |
The shield painting was pretty straight forward - Evil Sunz Scarlet (in other words, plain bright red) spots where the eyes are, Ironbreaker base (also known as gunmetal, same one I used for his armor), Brown wash (Agrax Earthshade) and some Mithrill Silver (plain silver in
non-Games Workshopian) for the edges, visible bolts and to make the skull ornament literally pop out.
Brutal? Yes. Red less-than-a-millimeter-wide eyes on the shield kind of BRUTAL! |
That is all for today.
For episode three I have prepared Mr. Bendy Staff (heheh).
Till then,
Banshee Legend,
The Painter